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Environmental Science 20

Please use this wiki to download and keep track of assignments, monitor due dates and stay current on all the activities that occur in class. Use of this page is an expectation and will greatly increase your ability to be successful in this class. 

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World Population Clock

Monitor the Global Population using this informative graphic.

For reference, at the creation of this web page ( 03/19/18), 

Global population stood at 7, 575,331, 081

Canada's population was 36,880,521

Global Carbon Dioxide Levels

This site tracks Global CO2 levels.

At the creation of this web page (03/19/18) CO2 levels stood at 408.35 ppm.

Where is it now?

Global Sea Level Rise

Learn about Sea Level rise at the Climate Central Web page.

Local and Fresh

One way to reduce our Carbon Footprint is to buy local.

Here is a local company sourcing products from Saskatchewan and Western Canada, supporting local business and reducing carbon emissions due to transport.

Sask Waster Reduction Council

Questions about Recycling in Saskatchewan? Visit this handy resource.

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